Health & Safety
For Reinosa Forgings & Castings, people and their integrity are a value that is above the other objectives and priorities of the company. We are committed to a safe and healthy working environment for all people who work with us.
We have a certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System, dated 7 December 2018, under the ISO 45001:2018 standard. This system is based on continuous improvement, following the Deming cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act), in order to advance towards the Zero Accident Target.
As part of the continuous improvement process, we carry out monitoring and control activities by means of personalised APPs for Reinosa Forgings & Castings. These APPs allow us to carry out inspections of facilities and work areas, as well as to check the safety training of our people in situ
In order to provide guidance to our own and contracted workers as well as visitors regarding Risks and Preventive Measures in the workplace, we have defined a Decalogue of General Health and Safety Rules that apply throughout the Company.